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K-12 Students In The Local District Eligible For Fresno State

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Fresno State will accept students from the Unified District.
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K-12 Students are in-store for good news! There is news about automatic admissions being applied towards graduates of the Fresno Unified district to Fresno State University. There’s a brand new admitting program that leaders from both institutions are agreeing to announce within the next weeks. When looking at the new program, high schoolers will realize how there are other perks available as early as ninth grade. Such circumstances such as receiving a Bulldog student ID card and an email address, as well as access to university resources like the library and campus events.

Bob Nelson, the Superintendent of FUSD has made it known that he’s real excited to let Fresno Unified Students get to thinking about their future. It could easily shift the trajectory for many students while they pursue higher education.

California has seen the lowest amount of bachelor degrees in the Fresno area.

So the fact is, such a program is an incentive for students to get pushing towards University thinking sooner rather than later. Both institutions are looking to vitalize the details throughout the next weeks, according to the university spokespeople. Their aim for pre-college outreach is necessary to ensure students to be wary of admissions requirements in order to promote college-culture while letting students dream big and plan ahead.

Through this direct admit program, it’s significant as Fresno Unified Students will qualify at Fresno State with hopes to get admitted to a CSU campus as well. The program gives additional support in place to track and boost students’ progress for meeting the bare requirements.

In other words, the trajectory is all meant to be something that high school counselors can monitor in real-time trajectory.

Such counselors are tracking students who need to complete the minimum requirements in history and science and other core courses in order to be eligible for the CSU track. Even then, a C-average also needs to be maintained. Through Fresno State, officials believe the school is going to offer more benefits, while there would be access to college preparedness as well as career exploration.

Fresno State is honestly the perfect answer for students that are in need of affording a better future than just avoiding one that is over-price and way too expensive. It makes sense to extend yourself beyond the threshold. It makes a difference that there are better ambitions had than just blow off your chances for a better life.

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