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In-Person Classes Received Penalties But Now “Bulk” of Them Are Forgiven by a Judge

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In-person classes and teaching at Immanuel School and its superintendent Ryan Wood have violated a court order to stop by a Fresno County judge. As a result, they now have to pay $15,000.

In-Person Classes – a Judge Suspended the Larger Financial Penalty

It’s still an amount is far less than the school would have to pay, after a Fresno County judge, Tuesday said he would suspend a large financial penalty.

In Reedley, K-12 has been at odds in a legal battle with the county and state for many weeks. This battle is over allowing its students back on campus in spite of the public health order.

Over In-person Classes, the School Challenged Order, Thereby Reaching an Agreement

Meanwhile, the school has challenged the order and there have been several hearings on this issue. In fact, one includes a preliminary injunction toward the school. However, both sides agreed to a settlement agreement on October 14th

Good-Faith Negotiation

On Tuesday, school officials said that it was important to enter into a good-faith negotiation toward resolving the dispute.

Obedient To the Lord

“Our goal from day one was to be obedient to the Lord’s leading and to step out in faith to keep students learning on campus. In partnership with our families, we have always felt this was best for the academic, physical, emotional, and spiritual development of our students,” according to a statement from the school.

Dropping Lawsuit Against Fresno County

Immanuel Schools agreed to drop its lawsuit against Fresno County as part of the settlement. As a result, the county and state removed its request for financial penalties for violating the preliminary injunction.

Judge D. Tyler Tharpe Says he Doesn’t Take Contempt of Court Violations Lightly

In his decision on Tuesday, Judge D. Tyler Tharpe pointed out that he has “independent authority with the respect to adjudging contempt, finding violations of prior court orders, and imposing monetary sanctions for each.”

Therefore, Tharpe said he did not take the contempt of court violations lightly.

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